The start of another school year has come and gone. I feel like I've already been teaching for months. The new 6th graders are fantastic and now I get to just be friends with the 7th graders. And with the beginning of each year comes the middle school movie. This year I was caste for one of the major roles- a teacher/rock star. The director put in over 100 hours all while completing the duties of an 8th grade social studies teacher... very impressive!
Enjoy! Click on the link:
Middle School Rock and Roll
The password is black.
The San Juan Cathedral. The last thing standing in the wake of the 1941
birth of Volcan de Paricutan in the mountainous state of Michoacan. |
Descending into the lava filled church. |
October 6, 2012 Ascending the 9,186ft high Volcan de Paricutin. |
A total of 7 hours on horseback in order to reach the Volcan. My
lower back and gluts have never been so sore. |
Cheran, Michoacan. My friend, Scott, is shooting a photo story here. The town finally had enough when they tried to stop clear-cutting in their forests. The police and federales initially did nothing to help, and the narcos, 'La Familia', were supporting the clear cutters. So the townspeople kicked out the narcos and the police, took their weapons, set up barricades at every entrance and said, "fine, we're going to do things our own way." An inspiration to all of Mexico. |
Una fiesta en Cheran, Michoacan. |
At the summit of the Nevado de Colima again 4340m (14,240ft)
September 29, 2012, my friend Charlotte's birthday. |